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邮 箱: hwgao at tsinghua dot edu dot cn

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2003.09 – 2008.07 清华大学工程物理系(核科学与技术)博士

1999.09 – 2003.07 清华大学工程物理系(工程物理专业)学士

2018.03 -至今 清华大学工程物理系 副教授

2016.07 – 2018.03 美国RefleXion医疗公司 高级科学家

2013.09 – 2016.07 美国通用电气医疗集团 高级科学家

2010.10 – 2013.09 美国通用电气全球研发中心 CT物理学家

2008.10 – 2010.09 美国斯坦福大学 博士后





2023-2025 面向介入诊疗精准脑成像的C型臂能谱CT关键技术创新,国家重点研发计划项目

2021-2024 口腔锥束CT能谱成像关键技术研究,国自然联合重点项目

2021-2024 基于时空混合能谱调制的新型锥束CT定量成像物理和关键技术研究,国自然面上项目

2019-2022 大容积多能量CT关键技术研究,青年人才经费支持项目

2018-2021 新型图像引导CT成像技术研究,新教师启动经费支持项目


2022-2025 海关行包监管大通道超快高清静态CT装备研制,国家重点研发计划课题

2016-2018 生物学引导放射治疗仪(BgRT),美国RefleXion 医疗公司新产品研发

2013-2016 大容积CT能谱成像(Revolution CT GSI Xtream),美国通用电气医疗集团新产品研发

2010-2013 256排高端医学诊断CT机(Revolution CT),美国通用电气全球研发中心新技术研发

2010-2013 心脏CT先进构架与算法研究,美国NIH资助项目

2008-2010 高性能散射校正,美国NIH资助项目


Chengpeng Wu, Yuxiang Xing, Li Zhang*, Zhiqiang Chen, Xiaohua Zhu, Xi Zhang, and Hewei Gao*, “Fluence adaptation for contrast-based dose optimization in x-ray phase-contrast imaging,” Medical Physics, 48(10): 6106-6120, 2021.

Chengpeng Wu, Yuxiang Xing, Li Zhang*, Xinbin Li, Xiaohua Zhu, Xi Zhang, and Hewei Gao*, “Fourier-based interpretation and noise analysis of the moments of small-angle x-ray scattering in grating-based x-ray phase contrast imaging,” Optics Express, 29(14): 21902-21920, 2021.

Hewei Gao*, Tao Zhang, N. Robert Bennett, and Adam S. Wang, “Densely sampled spectral modulation for x-ray CT using a stationary modulator with flying focal spot: a conceptual and feasibility study of scatter and spectral correction,” Medical Physics, 48(4): 1557-1570, 2021.

Tao Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Hao Zhou, N. Robert Bennett, Adam S. Wang, and Hewei Gao*, “An analysis of scatter characteristics in x-ray CT spectral correction,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(7): 075003, 2021.

Tao Zhang, Li Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen*, Yuxiang Xing, and Hewei Gao*, “Fourier Properties of Symmetric-Geometry Computed Tomography and Its Linogram Reconstruction with Neural Network,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39(12): 4445-4457, 2020.

Tao Zhang, Yuxiang Xing, Li Zhang, Xin Jin, Hewei Gao*, and Zhiqiang Chen*, “Stationary computed tomography with source and detector in linear symmetric geometry: Direct filtered backprojection reconstruction,” Medical Physics, 47(5): 2222-2236, 2020.

Chengpeng Wu, Li Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Yuxiang Xing, Xinbin Li, Xiaohua Zhu, Carolina Arboleda, Zhentian Wang, and Hewei Gao*, “The trigonometric orthogonality of phase-stepping curves in grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging: Integral property and its implications for noise optimization,” Medical Physics, 47(3): 1189-1198, 2020.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang, Rainer Grimmer, and Rebecca Fahrig, “Physics-based spectral compensation algorithm for X-ray CT with primary modulator,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(12): 125006, 2019.

Hewei Gao*, Lei Zhu, and Rebecca Fahrig, “Virtual Scatter Modulation for X-ray CT Scatter Correction Using Primary Modulator,” Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, 25(6):869-885, 2017.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang*, Zhiqiang Chen, Yuxiang Xing, Hui Xue, and Jianping Cheng, “Straight-Line-Trajectory-Based X-Ray Tomographic Imaging for Security Inspections: System Design, Image Reconstruction and Preliminary Results,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60(5):3955-3968, 2013.

Hewei Gao*, Lei Zhu, and Rebecca Fahrig, “Modulator design for X-ray scatter correction using primary modulation: Material selection,” Medical Physics, 37(8):4029-4037, 2010.

Hewei Gao*, Rebecca Fahrig, N. Robert Bennett, Mingshan Sun, Josh Star-Lack, and Lei Zhu, “Scatter correction method for X-ray CT using primary modulation: Phantom studies,” Medical Physics, 37(2):934-946, 2010.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang*, Yuxiang Xing, Zhiqiang Chen, and Jianping Cheng, “An improved form of linogram algorithm for image reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 55(1):552-559, 2008.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Yuxiang Xing, Jianping Cheng, and Yigang Yang, “Application of X-ray CT to liquid security inspection: system analysis and beam hardening correction,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 579(1):395-399, 2007.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang, Yuxiang Xing, Zhiqiang Chen, Jian Zhang, and Jianping Cheng, “Volumetric imaging from a multisegment straight-line-trajectory and a practical reconstruction algorithm,” Optical Engineering, 46(7):077004, 2007.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Yuxiang Xing, Jianping Cheng, and Zhihua Qi, “Direct filtered-backprojection-type reconstruction from a straight-line trajectory,” Optical Engineering, 46(5):057003, 2007.

Hewei Gao*, Li Zhang*, Zhiqiang Chen, Yuxiang Xing, and Shuanglei Li, “Beam hardening correction for middle-energy industrial computerized tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53(5):2796-2807, 2006.

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2023至今 《Medical Physics》期刊副主编(Associate Editor)

2022至今 中国体视学学会CT理论与应用分会委员

2022至今 中国体视学学会青年工作委员会委员

2021至今 《CT理论与应用研究》期刊编委

2021至今 中国体视学学会理事会理事

2021/2023 Fully3D Meeting国际会议科学委员会委员

2020至今 中国体视学学会智能成像分会委员

2009至今 美国医学物理学家协会(AAPM)会员

2005至今 Medical Physics、Physics in Medicine and Biology、IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science等国内外期刊审稿人

2022 北京市本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

2018 国家级青年人才计划

2008 清华大学优秀博士学位论文(二等奖)

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